The course is divided into two parts.
The first part, theoretical / demonstrative, will take place online on the Zoom platform, Saturday 23 May, with two modules lasting 2 hours each, from 11am to 1 pm and from 4 to 6 pm.
The course will be held only in Italian.
To participate in online sessions, an Internet connection and equipment (computer, tablet or mobile phone) are sufficient; the meeting ID and access password will be sent to the participants.
The practice day instead will be held at the Professione Libro headquarters, Via Angelo Del Bon 1 - 20158 MILAN, from 10 am to 5 pm; at the moment it is scheduled for Sunday 24 May, at least for residents in Lombardy, but the date will be confirmed or postponed according to the regulations that will be issued gradually by the competent authorities.
It is plausible to imagine two different sessions, one to be held first, for residents of Lombardy, and a subsequent one, for those coming from other regions or from abroad, in case the loosening of the lockdown was likely to be gradual and differentiated on a national scale.
All course documentation will be made available to the students, therefore specific indications on tools and materials and detailed indications on the techniques demonstrated. For those who register for the full workshop, or make a specific request while choosing to join only the online sessions, a kit will be sent by mail containing the necessary materials to apply the techniques on their papers, to practice at home regardless of the subsequent frequency of the laboratory day.
Registration must be made before the closing date.
The participation fee is divided over the two days, and you can choose to follow both days or only the online part (theory and demonstration).
Theoretical session, Saturday 23 May: 80 euro, including sending the pdf documentation
Practical session, Sunday 24 May (if possible, or at a later date to be determined): 100 euro including the use of tools and materials available in the laboratory.
Kit of materials for home practice (including Japanese papers, blotting papers, non-woven fabric, methylcellulose powder, etc.): 20 euro + shipping costs
Full workshop (online session, sending the materials kit, practical session on site): 200 euro + shipping costs; for those who are close and could pass in person, or for those who will attend the practical meeting in the laboratory, the option to collect the kit on site will obviously also be available, without additional costs for shipping.
Membership to the Association for 2020 is required (30 euro).
There is limited availability so you are invited to book early.
Closing date for enrolment and payment of the fee: 16 May 2020.
However, the final registration order being determined by the payment order, it is necessary to pay at the time of registration, so that the place is guaranteed.
Enrolment must be cancelled in writing.
If the cancellation letter is posted two weeks or more before the workshop begins, the participation fee will be refunded minus a 15% cancellation charge.
If the cancellation letter is posted less than two weeks but before the closing date of enrollments, then the participation fee will be refunded minus a 50% cancellation charge.
No refund will be given in case of cancellation after the closing date. Yet, if a person on the waiting list could take over, the fee will be refunded in full (to the exclusion of any membership fee paid contextually, covering the administration costs).
No refund will be given if, once registered and without further communication, the student doesn't partecipate.
In case the minimum number of participants should not be reached, the course will be cancelled and the whole fee refunded.
The confirmation of the feasibility of the workshop will be announced to the participants after the closing of entries, or when the minimum number of enrolments will be reached.